Saturday 21 July 2012

Selamat Datang Ramadhan!!

Assalamualaikum...ceh sopan tibe2.hurm..diam xdiam dah sampai bulan puase dan xlame lagi raye.Agak teruje dis year sebab berpuase di samping keluarge tersayng.Orang tersayang belum ade lagi.hahaha.But bile ade sape2 je tnyer, I akan ckap haaa..masuk bulan puase tahun ni dh setahunlah aku menyingle.hahaha. .Boleh an camtu?Ok cut the crap.Well, so many things that happen to me recently.And I won't be sad, I just take it as challenge and also fate.

# I loss my LOVELY LACOSTE purse
Sangat sedih bile bende yg orang bagi dh hilangkan.huhuhu. I don't know whether dicuri atau tercicir because yeahhh...saye mmg selalu termenung di sane sini. So that, my mum said kalau org nk pukau pon mmg xperasan. Because mase tgu my brother pick up, I duduk atas kerusi sebelah minah Arab yg agak vogue. But weird thing is, she kept on staring at me, smpailah die nek kete. And bile I cerite kt my mum, "Haaa..tulah dh kene pukaulah tu".And I gelak ajelah..hahah. Gelak2 jugak, tp mase dlam kete otw ke Seremban meleleh jugaklah air mate.hahaha.Awin2.Hurm..what to do, redha sahaje. I already block my acc bank and etc.Terpakselah pakai purse yg lame, and for sure will buy the new one.

And recently, tetibe I dapat ramai kawan baru, like yes xdelah ramai berpuluh cause sudah ditapis2..hahaha. I hanye berkawan dengan yg baik dan jujur setelah meluangkan mase beberape minit menyoal mereke itu ini.Dan ya, mereke xde tanye bnyak2 pun I bersikap fussy begitu.hee. Firstly, dgan Mr.I, die adelah seorang vacation consultant di Sepang Goldcoast and he is from Sarawak. But, he refuse to speak Sarawakian with me and I don't even know why.hahaha.We enjoyed our first movie together which is "Amazing Spiderman" which is very much aweeesssoomeeee. I xtau langsung plan die nk g tgok wayang but then bile dh smpai kt mall, terus suruh I pilih cerite mane nk tgok. Terperanjat kawww.hahah . But yes, spiderman yg baru ni agak cute dan blur. Walaupun ditegur oleh Mr I, but I really enjoyed this movie. Die kate aku tgok mcam xde perasaan. Die dh duk tergelak2.hahaha. Kamu mmg hyperactive, that's all I can said. Then, lepas tu we had our dinner at OldTown Wangsa Maju together. All on him, bak katenyer, xbiase girl belanje then we all terus bersembang dan bersembang bout ourselves and mate I pulak sempat meng"usha" mamat depan meje kitorg. Like seriously, die hensem okeyh.hahaha.Main2 mate sekejap.winkwink**.Then, I jugak kenal dengan Mr.E di mane he's the only one yg panggil aku dengan panggilan Alda. Hahaah..he's sweet, but baru 20years old. I ade jugak berkawan dgan Mr.A,Mr.H dan mcam2 lagi.ahhahhahaha. Angels, bukan tujuan nk tunjuk I ni playgirl ke ape, but seriously best berkawan dgan mereke. They are so funny yet crazy. Always advice me on certain things that I felt too hard too handle like my personal problems.Yes, I already remind them that I agree to be friend with them not to be in LOVE with them. So everytime  boleh je gile2 sembang,gelak2 like friends.Tapi tulah, banyak hati nk kene jage. But I already promised to myself not too fall in LOVE too easy like before. I had enough dan bnyak pengajaran yg I dapat daripade semue tu. Skrg I dah boleh tersenyum because I am happy now, not TOTALLY but happy than before. Extra plus I already can forget my Mr.RRA di mane I tau die pun sedang bahagie skrg. And everytime anyone ask me I just can give them a smile. Big smilee...=))

#New Job
Alhamdullillah, I got new job which is at DoubleTree by Hilton as a Business Centre Service Agent. Agak excited because this is my first time try hotel line and plus my job is more to secretarial scope which I love the most. Truly speaking, before ni actually I lebih berminat nk amik Corporate Comm. or Secretarial. Hehehe, but yes since my daddy suruh I amik tourism I just go through with it and I'm in love also with tourrism things. So, this new work will make me into hotel line industry, meeting business people everyday and be a secretary for them. Hahahha.I guess. Transportation pun senang plus dekat. That's why I terpakse lepaskan peluang sebagai Advertising Executive tu.huhuhuu... Its okeylah, xpe. Rezeki is everywhere. I keje ni pun to gain experiences everywhere and anywhere gitu. And congrates to all my friends yg dpat masuk degree. my turn will be next year insyallah..tupun kalau masih berminat nk study.heee..

Actually, banyak lagi yg happens but more to personal things that I think I malas nk share sini. Takut mengguris hati sesape.Dear You, I am sorrry for doing the right things for both of us. I xkisah u nk kate ape pun kt I tapi itu hak I untuk cakap or buat ape2 that I think bagus untuk I sendiri. Well, we've grown up,already 21 years old. PlEASE BE MATURE. and Dear Someone and Someone, please don't involve me into your problems or issue. I got nothing to do with both of you, yes you can share your problems with me but when itu ini segale ape bnde I xfaham dan blur yg keluar, I xsuke. And I don't even know what is going on with both of you. Ok, I malas nk cakap bnyak2 because xpenting pun. Okey dolls, bye. Have a LOVELY Ramadhan dengan penuh kesederhanaan dan kesyukuran....

Selama Berpuase...=)

Tuesday 10 July 2012


Family Out

It was Sunday and I tersangatlah boring n rase nk keluar even baru baik demam. Dengan gigihnye, "Ayah, jum g WetWorld, Awin belanje. So yes!!I belanje, adelah seciput duitkan. So ape salahnye belanje adik2 kesayangan...Then, sampai2 je I terjadi sgt over excited, like kanak2 erencat akal pon ade. Hahahah..hilang terus suhu badan yg panas dan mood demam bile nmpak pelampungkan. Then, lepas byar tickets, straught awayy I g rent tubes. Satu je lah, memandangkan I sahaje yg ade. Pity me. Lol..So yeah, sngat best what spend time dgan family kt waterpark like this. I last pegi pon tyme drjah bape tah. But seriously, Bukit Merah Laketown Resort besh!!hihihi..Then, sambil pusing2 slide, terjerit2, terlari2 sempat gak main mate dgan pengunjung2 di situ. Adxe yg buat2 tanye jam kul bapelah, apelah. Dey macha!!tu jam suda rosak..itu pasal saya bawak masuk dlam air.Hahhaha..Wat malu muke je.

   After that, we all pergi singgah mall kejap. Biaselah ibu, kerje nk menghabiskan duit, macamane anak die xikut. Si pemboros dan mcam2 lagi.Hahahha..Dengan rambut basahnyer, I duk tergedik2 keringkan rambut smpai org lalu-lalang pelik, dari mane tah minah ni datang rambut basah2.Noob.hahaha..Well, that time kan agak femes dgan Festival Kerje Kawen kan. So masuk je mane2 mall mmg adeah all dat promotions. Like seriously I suke festival cenggini,Cantekkk.Smpai mak andam pondan di sane sini, memberi i mcam2 katalog kahwen. Nyaahhhh...nok belum ade calon g nyah...ahahhaha..ibu dah tersengih dah tergelak2. Ok fine, ibu.nnti awin nk kawen siaplah ibu ntuk pening kepale.hhhaha..Well then, lepas tu straight away pergi ke rumah my aunt. Thats all..=).Bye,

Muke puas dpat main air..=p

wif ma mom

SMILE!!!(nah...forget it,ayah mang gituw)

<3 ALDA..=)

syang cica


Hye n Hello...I guess dah berkurun berabad xupdate my blog. Well, agak busy lah jugak with some sort of things but then smpai skrg blum dpat permanent job. Haisehh..terlampau memilih gadis seorang niyh.huuuu. Plus, Maybe sebab I yg malas kot..hahaha. Sekarang baru dah terajin sebab nk luah something. I am really mad mad and mad to this person. Nak dikatekan semue perasaan adelahkan. Hurm..okay, nk dijadikan cerite, I know this one guy lahkan which die adelah seorang steward yg masih under TRAINING with EMIRATES airlines.Yah..kate pun steward, but his face xlah sejambu mane pun, (OMG, jahantnye statement aku)..muke cam mafia adelah.hahhaa.But he's been so nice sebab sanggup menghabiskan kredit untuk bergayut lame2 on the phone with me and well TQ sebab selalu kacau waktu tido saye dan selalu bersembang2 dgan saye di lewat malam. hahahaha.Yelah, waktu steward ni xsame dgan org lain.kan3?.Ok then, so I pun berkawan dgan die. Berkawan je okeyh?? I DUN HAVE ANY INTENION TO BE HIS GF EVEN MY SISTA TOLD ME TO.NO N NEVER.!!But last nyte, he suddenly propose me to be his girlfriend. And I was like???? Mamat ni biar betolkan? Die patutnye pegi pilih yg lagi hot dari I lahkan. Stewardess example? Then I pulak as usual, hanye mengambil kate2 beliau sebagai satu jokes n asik ketawe dan ketawe...Dan die sometimes akan merajuk dan marah bile I gelak dan gelak. Hurmm..smpai ke subuh jugaklah we on the phone.Then, nk dijadikan cerite, we suppose to have a first date together today, but unfortunately, die kehilangan wallet dan terpakse ke KLIA untuk berjumpe dgan boss beliau. So, cancel date and I pulak "Perhhh, selamat aku. Xpayah nk g jumpe mamat tu".ahahaha. Mesti korang pelik an pasal I nk marah2 lak, pdahal duk citer I kenal dgn guy baru. Steward lagi??Well, dats not my point. Belum smpai klimaks lagilah...hahaha.Then, petang tadi die call I. Macam2lah sembang sampai he said this one sentence. "Babe, kenape u jual mahal sangat? Why u xnk bagi I chances and main2 dgan I? Pleaselah...jgan kejam sangat.". And I was like...what thee (*&*&^&%!!!! I terkejut giler, kaw dah kenape tibe2 ckap cengiitukan? I mmg sound die cukup2lah petang tadi, dan xperlu nk dinyatekan kat cini kot. Buat letih korang bace je nnti, Yang penting, I sebagai permpuan sangat2 xpuas hati dengan ape yg diluahkan oleh die dan pndangan2 die yg sgt xmasuk akal tuh.!!. Well, I xpernah jumpe org yg cetek akal fikirannye seperti lelaki ini n plus die steward..Urrrghhh..malulah weyh. Name dah sedap, muke dah hensem. Tapi sekali denga u bercakap, like a kindergarten punye budak. Like seriously, so annoyiiinngg!! Die punye facts, opinions, seriously like shits!!! Sorrylah U, but true, u sgat menjengkelkan and lucky me I know the true colours of you before I decide nk terime u dalam hidup I. Well, I dunt want to make any mistakes again. Ever!!! So thats whylah u kate I sombong or jual mahal or whatever. I terlalu berhati2 dalam memilih pasangan hidup. Xsalahkan??? I am just being me, not a fakes or hypocrytes person. Mmg saye melayan lelaki sebegitu.. Cool and steady. Well, sebelum die dijadikan special in ma life. Hurn... I am very upset because I taught that u are okay. But yes, again I bertemu lagi dgan lelaki yg kuat bubbling, merepek sane sini, bossy dan mcam2. Dah selalu sgt dah. entah bile nk dpat guy yg cool dan penyabar. Aduh2. So dear Mista !!!!!!!, I dh buang pun num hp u, n xpayahlah u nk calling2 dgan I lagi. I dah remove u dari senarai. Hahahah..(POYOSSS!!). But yes seriously, suke hatilah u nk ckap I ape, smbong ke, hape ke, perasan diva ke but yes dengan ini I nk cakap. U are DISQUALIFIED!! Awak sangat tidak memenuhi ciri2 lelaki idaman saye. Saye akan sangat bersyukur kalau awak lebih bijak semase berkate2 dan fikir perasaan perempuan dgan lebih matang dan bijak. Sekarang, tanggunglah sendiri, inflight nnti u pegilah carik mane2 awek Arab. I dun give a damn.

This time, I masih ok. But still buat muke geram dengar bebelan u.=__=


Even bro badut ni far more better dari u lah Mista!!!
p/s: Menurut kate adik saye, saye sudah kembali ke tabiat lame di mane saye ade banyak scandal. Hahahahha...No I'm not sista!! Well, guys out there mane tahu tah aku single dan sibok flirting2 liking2..hahahahha..But seriously me jujur dlam berkawan. Xde dah nk tipu..Haa..u guys!!I ade nickname baru.!!(ALDA) sweet an??haahha..Papepun, In short, sangat puas hati bile dapat marah2 orang dengan sesuke hati. Dah lame xbuat camniyh... I feel likee...Wowwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!hahaha..Ok bye.

Sunday 1 July 2012

I wish I was STRONG enough to lift not one but both of us...
Someday I will be STRONG enough to lift not one but both of us.....=)

Wednesday 25 April 2012

And I miss Him So...

I just MISSS those moment...

Ok now xyah nk membebel lagi biler member nk anta balik umah...I got family pass oledy..hhaha

aaarrrggghhhhh!!Tension melande when I keep on thinking of him..Everyday akan belek lappy tgok gmbar dgan die...end up with termenung..hahaha..OMG.How to do..n what to do to get rid of all this..people mostly said that I'm suppose to tell him the truth. But I just cant..Hurm..yes, at least now bile dah kerje agak jrang fikirkan xde fikir nk carik boyfriend pon..How weird is that?? Neway, plan untuk lari ke Shah Alam xjadi so I plan to work at Putrajaya instead of Johor.Insyaallah...=)...Buat sementare ni, kerjelah sekejap kt skybridge kan.okeylah//bye..=)

Saturday 17 March 2012


says: Just got 2 more days am here and after that, GOODBYE Sarawak. Goodbye all Sweet and Sour Moment. SELAMAT TINGGAL KENANGAN.ceeehhh..haha. Goodbye Nightmare. Goodbye Peoples. I'll be back on my graduation day soon, insyallah...hehe. Dah lame I berehat dan menenangkan diri, badan dan sekaligus fikiran sepanjang 3minggu I berade di sini. Macam2 I fikir.smpai terbawak2 dalam mimpi, and mimpi tu mcam bersambung2 ceritanye, end up I lupe everything.yeahhh,awin kan??..heee..macam2. Soon, after I balik KL, I was thinking ape yg akan I buat, kerje kt mane? mcam mane dgan hidup I nnti?. Agak bingung fikir, tapi its okeyhlah..everytime lepas solat selalu doa semoge hidup I akan lebih bahagie, dirahmati dan berjaye. Dan lagi satu semestinye selalu berdoa supaye dikurniekan jodoh yg baik. Amin...hhehee.Xsabar pulak nk jumper family, bawak kek lapis.hahaha..Dulu tyme ade bf, memanjang je nk bawak untuk mak mertue kan? amik hati katee..ahahha..ok tapi papepun balik nnti harus pegi jogging. Harus...kene kuatkan badan yg dah lemah plus malas niyh. Bye. Nak sambung bace novel. =)

(erm..iklan sebentar tajaan Watson.LOLOLOL..)
Someone: " Xpe2, I kan ade..I akn usahe sedaye upaye..untung jadi imam u..dan bahagiekan u dunie akhirat..Insyaallah.."
Tersenyum bile mesej dgan someone then die ckap camni, but bile I fikir balik, ahhh lelaki, ayat ni dh berpuluh kali dengar. Buat tengokkkk....entahlah. hati ni dh tawar rase nk bercinte ni. Like bile laki hensem lalu depan pun, boleh ignore ajer..hahaha..scandal?? Jangan cakaplah. dah xde dalam kamus hidup ni. Hp siap leyh main baling2 lagi.haha.xper, soon I nk tukar num n hp jugak.*winkwink*. Xsabo nk berBBM, kihkih.. xper, yg penting skrg Nursyuhada Azwin dh behave n more mature. Alhamdulillahhh...heehhe..=))

Saturday 10 March 2012

SoDamn Hillarious!!!!

Since 1 week I kat sini, dh start addict dgan RunningMan..hahaha..Tetibe ajer, n it was funny + weird though. I?? layan Korea? aduh...before this anti-KPop okeyh. Before this, ramai member ajak join tgok RunningMan but I keep on "naaaahhhh..xminat" ...Sekali dah tgok...haaaaaa..amek kaw.... Nilah penangan RunningMan :

  1. I boleh layan sorang2 dalam bilik plus dgan ketawe sampai kuar air mate...(mesti org ingt i
  2. Lepas habis satu episod layan lagi episod lain sampailah waktu subuh menjelme...
  3. Keep on staring + usha2 guest yg hensem mcam Nickhun. Si Won dan ramai lagi.(hensem wooooo, tu kalau jadi bf confirm xkan lepas senang2..hahaha)
  4. My sis cakap I dah giler sebab kuat ssangat2 gelak. Padahal layan
  5. Pipi I dah naik sakit sebab ketawe banyak sangat...
  6. Seriously, tahap tension n sedih + depressed I reduce mendadak lepas layan citer niyh...Y'all shud try if tgh tencion..hahaha..
  7. Kalau hari2 mcam ni, mmg buat senaman mukelah org kate. hahahahha...
  8. Sambil layan, envy jugak tgok girl2 dalam tu, cantik, gigi tersusun rapi,kulit cantik....waaahhhhh....
  9. Tetibe rase nk blaja Korean language and pegi sane bersame orang tersayang. Serious Korea sangat cantik n even romantik kot. ahahha...will be there soon. Insyaallah..dengan my Beloved Wannabe.haha.OK THAT'S ALL BERANGAN. BUT INCLUDE AS FUTURE PLANNING.*winkwink*
  10. Harus amik semue episod dari lappy my sis and bawak balik KL nnti. So then, I akan sambung gelak kt sane pulak.haahahah...

Friday 9 March 2012

Just a Short Conversation.....

Him: Hi Bumbum.
Me: Hi..ummm...What's that?
Him: Tembamlah...hehe
Me: Hhahaha..bukan tembam lagi dah...u shud call me FattyBumbum instead of Tembam..hahaa
Him: Ok, yelah gemuk. Tengah senang hatikan?
Me: Hurm..mane ade senang hati, tgah susah hati ade, sedih lagi...
Him: Knape sedih pulak ni? Masih terluke dgan ape yg jadi? or masih mencarik kekasih hati? Win,yang dah lepas tu biarlah lepas. Semue tu kerje Allah. Jodoh, ajal, maut semue kt tangan die. Kite kene pasrah, redha.
Me : I don't know. am just afraid. Too Afraid...
Him: Don't worry. I know u will. U will have everything that u want. Just trust me, okay??.U will. Stop make urself look so pathetic and depressed. Have faith.
Me: hahahah...what? Jahat u an. Okey fine, I know muke i tgah berjerawat skrg. I've got to go. Nak g sambung bace novel. Bye fren..=)
Him: Ok then, jangan diikutkan sgt bace novel tu. Nanti sampai ke sudah berangan aje keje.hahaha..ok bye. Do take care of urself. Bye dear...

Him di atas adalah seorang lelaki yg kini berade di Terengganu n sdg study.Kami berkawan dh lame but then xpernah jumpe. Hanye bersembang di Faceboo sahaje. Beliau sangat baik hati dan gentle kerane masih sanggup menerime saye sbgai kawan walaupun saye pernah menolaknye dahulu. Dan baru2 ni, kawan beliau menyarankan saye supaye menerime beliau dalam hidup saye. Waaahhh...xsemudah itu. Kawan is kawan xkan jadi my beloved one. Cukuplah sekali saye tersilap langkah mase dgan Mr Eez dulu. Sudahnye, saye xmampu nk anggap die kawan lagi dan terus lenyapkan die dari hati dan fikiran saye jugak..Oh tragis btul kisah yg satu ini..hahaha..Apepun, semoge die bahagie di luar sane. Neway, terime Kasih atas nasihat2 anda. Saye terharu sangat. Sungguh.. Teruskan mencari kekasih hati untuk awak jugak sebab yg pastinye bukan saye yang paling sesuai utk berade di sisi awak. okey, dah geli...hahaha.

p/s: Semenjak due menjak I layan novel cinte ni, tetibe terase kisah cinte I ni boleh buat novel jugak. Harus ni. Hahahaa..Kejap2..fikir tajuk ape jap..daaaaaaaaaa....nk termuntah pulak dengar kan?? hahahahah. Ok bye, sakit tekak..suare pun dh ala2 Rani Mukherjee plus romantik sgt kalau on the phone. Nasib xde bf nk bergayut lame2..Hanye panggilan dari abg angkat tersayang yang bimbang dgan kesihatan adik angkatnye yg satu ni. Hari2 mengadu dan mengadu. hahaha..Selamat Malam alls...Hari2 before tido pandang dinding kire berape hari lagi harus tersikse jiwe dan rage berade dekat kampus niyh.hahahaaha...Xboleh blah si Awin niyh,.

Fave Me...=)

Okey..muke berangan sangat....

I bought this novel last day...but yes..novel cinte lebih  menarik dari yg ini...=)

Mr Smiley akan menjadi bantal busuk I selepas ni. Replace Miss Pinky yg dh penyek..hahaha

<3 Mr

p/s: Dan inilah hobi saye bile keseorangan, keboringan, kesejukan, kebluran dalam bilik sorang2..hahha...Sambil layan runningman...Okey, gelak puas2...dah xde muke sedih..Got 2 more weeks here and I have to enjoy maself being a lazy mazy chubby girl..hahahaha. =p

Thursday 8 March 2012

What to Do.. (jgan bace kalau geli!!) =p

It's been a week am here. Done my presentations, done jalan2 dgan kawan. done amik voucher but I decide nk hbiskan kat KL nnti. Hurrrm...what can I say here, duduk kat sini lame2 boleh jadi gile depressed. Like yes, muke I yg dh sedie ade berjerawat dan berminyak neyh ni nmpak bertambah buruk dengan muke moody dan pucat lesu ni. Hurm...haritu teman member g printing n then lepak kt Lemongrass. And straight awayyy..semue kenangan dtang..bertimpe3. I rase mcam nk menangis dah..seriously, bukan sebab pedas tomyam yg I makan tuh, tapi sebab Yes..I miss him. i miss our moment together here. I ternampak je bayang2 we all jalan2 together, when he tease me, when he laugh and touch my hair. Like every place, every thing that I saw I akan nampak die. Hurm....I'm totally hurts. Terpakse tahan2 even my friend realize that I'm sad. Totallly...He says.."Dahlah tu Awin, xde jodoh..n even kalau jodoh korang kuat nnti adelah tu".dun worry..mmg kenangan susah nk lupe, tp awin harus..ramai lagi kt luar tuh.Trust me."..Ehm..baiklah En.Shapik..tpi mudah bagi anda  bukan bagi saye.And  time nk turun tangge aku hampir terjatuh bile si Adib panggil aku Gemok. hahahha..bukan terkejut ape. Tapi tulah yg selalu my ex panggil bile aku nk turun tangge. "Baik2 gemok, t jatuh berguling-guling.haahha". Then, keesokannye sesi bergossip dgan si Mawar Izyan pulak..Then lepas dah cite itu ini she just said. "Kenape xbagitau die awin masih sayangkan die? Fix everything. mesti boleh, korang dulu pasangan paling bahagie kot". I wish I can do that. But nope. I xakan...Biarlah hati I sendiri je tau betape I masih sayangkan die, tp tulah I just let it go and fade awayyy. I xnk sakitkan hati die lagi. I made a mistakes before. Big Mistakess. And I let him down. Biarlah die jumpe girl yg lebih baik utk die n can guide him as well.

   Mungkin ape yg terjadi kt I recently balasan jugak. Bak kate my friend, Karma. ahahah..Yes, I telah dikecewekan same sepertimane I kecewekan org lain dulu n yes, ceritenye agak same. Sume return dgan ex. Hhahaha..kdang2 hidup ni pelikkan?Bile kite ade someone, kite xhargai pun..nnti die dh hilang baru terase. And yes, I agree. Selalu mcam tuh. And I pun xtau knape tibe2 lately I asik fikirkan die. Em..actually, lepas kisah I dgan Mr Eez sebenarnye. Hurm..mungkin sebab I rase I belum jumpe laki yg sayangkan I sebanyak mane my ex sebelum ni. Die xpure2 when he says that he love me so much, die xtipu bile die kate die rindukan i, die xpntingkan diri sendiri jugak.. Rase menyesal pun ade, knapelah I blh terlibat dalam kisah eez? Kalau x, I mesti  okey je skrg. Hurm....Aduh2.. Dahlah, ni sume cabaran kot. =). Well yes, selagi I xbalik KL selagi tuh hati dan perasaaan I akan terus tersikse. Waaahhh gitu.hahahaha..Sebab tu suke layan perasaan sorg2 bace novel. Seriously..I rase teruk. Sangat teruk...ahhahaha...dahlah. Semue ni dah jadi kan. What to do..xleyh nk buat ape dah. Just berharap lah diri ni akan jumpe laki yg lebih baik, jujur dan menerime diri ni seadenye. Insyaallah...  =,))))

p/s: Terjumpe this two video dalam lappy my sis. Seriously, when I watch it, I smile. But menangis dalam hati. Boleh pulak my sis said. "Tgok Awin... cantik , bahagie bile dgan Bam". Then, straight away kene ketuk. ahahha...What a moment. I miss him. Miss Our Moment. I miss You Like Crazy..Yes, I decide not to tell you bout this because I know U never Forgive Me. Just Let me to LOVE YOU until this heart can fully accept other Guy who can LOVE ME as strong as you before..I'm sorry for everything I've done..Yes, I'm done. Done with everything. No longer nk pasang scandal ramai2, no longer flirt2 kt fb or tagged. I just waiting for someone. To help me + save me run awayyyy from all this crap... =,((((

Here in Sarawak = Part 2

Budak hyperaktif kt kolam renang sebelah pggil aku Cine. What theeeee.....=___=
Ni pun hyper jugak...=p

Seronok tgok posing cantek2..hahaha

Ye..mcam biase dalam pool sempat termenong..haha

My activities just one day before Practical Training Presentations :

* Check-in at Hotel Riverside Majestic together with my sis frens...Tetibe rase mudo.Fully sponsored.hahaha
* Bermalas-malasan dalam bilik hotel yg cantik + selese itu...
* Berjalan2 di Parkson sambil cuci mate yg dah semakin kelabu neyh...
* Waktu malam di kale hujan lebat, kami pergi ke TopSpot utk dinner. Thanx Uncle Ramli bgi kami makan bnyak!!haaha.
* Selepas tu, pergi main bowling. Turut disponsor oleh Uncle Ramli. And guess what?? I kalah teruk, tempat ke-5 drpd 5 org. Like yes, I ketawe giler2 but dalam hati sediyh. Just asking maself.."What happened to me?" Like org ape ntah hilang fokus + strike xde langsung. None okeyh!!Damnlossme..!!
* Balik hotel layan citer Valentines Day!!..Tapi pndanganku ke arah tv kosong. Lol....
* Kami berlima tido atas katil king size, selese jugaklah lepas mintak extra pillow n blanket. Sejokkkkk!!
* Pagi2 lagi due org gadis dah kejut bising2 ckap nk mandi kolam.hahaha. Then, bgun terus lompat dlm kolam. Hilang takut sume, but air die, so cold I tell y'all.Hujan semalamkan.
* Then, lunch kt KFC, hentam jelah since ade org belanje.kan2?hahah...
* Pastu, bantai pegi karoeke selame 3 jam. Mule2 xnk ikut, but I have to since my sis pakse pegi. Mule2 moody, dh dapat mic,haaa amek kaw. Xhingat dunie. Lagu2 sume type broken heart lak tuh. Aduhhhhhlah Awin...hahahaha.
* Balik, sambung wat report. Then dah hbis terbungkang atas katil baca novel. Yes, I bought 2 novel n already finished reading it. Oh my..dunno wat to do here in another 2 weeks. Damnnnnn!!!

Sunday 4 March 2012

What I Do To Make Myself Smile...(^^,==)

I ask myself to keep SMILE and SMILE..=)
kami <3 gmbo neyh!!!


Love this pose..=)

p/s: Xsedar diri lagi nk wat presentations dah next Tuesday, rilex jer bersuke rie dkat hotel room, photoshoot bagai, pegi men bowling lagi. SAA in Sarawak Part 2 akan disambung nnti yer. .hahaha.. Aneway, before I lupe. Nak wish besday to someone..Mlas nk mesej die ke he cares. Just wanna say, Heppy Besday to Someone, Sweet 21..Wish U Happy Always and Get Whatever Thing That u Want...TQ...Kahwin nnti jgan lupe jemput okey...(macamlah die tau aku wish kt cni)..haahha..ok dah..nk tido...sakit pale sejok2 camneyh. Esok nk swimming pulak!!...*winkwinkwink* =)

Friday 2 March 2012

Syuhada Azwin in Sarawak= PART 1

Just arrived Sarawak yesterdayy. Agak lewat sampai di LCCT disebabkan masalah2 tertentu. Haisssshhh. Rase malas + berat je badan nk bergerak ke airportkan?hahaha. Neway,  Thanks to abg angkat tersayang yang tercongok di depan McD dan tahniah sebab sempat jumpe saye yg dh nk depart dat time n wlupon terpakse kuar offices awal. Agak smart berbaju kemeje gituwww di airport..nnasib je tie dh bukak. hhahaha..xmenyempaat nk tukar eyh??. hehehe..Okeyh, ni nk cerite mase dalam flight.. Yelah. tyme check-in salunyer kite duk excited kan, tertanye2 sape eyh duk sebelah kite? sape eyh? agak2 hensem x mamat tuh? mane tau konon2 boleh jadik dalam novel, berkenalan dalam flight then terus jatuh hati. ahahhaha...perasan sgt ko awin..kiki..Ok, nk gtaw ni,,sekali dekat sebelah saye adelah sorg uncle berbangse cine yg xpandai speak English..hahaha..Like okeyh, I feel so uneasy bile die asyik nyanyi2 jew..adoiii unclee..ingt ni K-Box ke hah?? Aku kt sebelah buat muke nyampah jer sambil layan novel.Hahahhaa...first time jugak membace dlam flight kn?.orang lain tgh sedap membute aku pulak duk sedap berangan dalam novel.Maklumlah...watak dalam tu Syuhada.hahaha.Ok fine.. Pastu, dorg tutup lampu because night mode kan, n suddenly aku terkenang kenangan dgan si die mase kami dlam flight together dari KCH-KUL.. uhuhu..Sediyh, but aku senyum sorg2 bile ade awan atas kepale pastu ade sweet video keep on playing.haha.Such a sweet memories. Dan ingat lagi. "Kak, boleh x saye duduk depan dgan wife saye? Die xsihat tu..kene makan ubat.Takut saye die sorg2 kt depan. please kak.". Then, tetibe tercongok die kat tepi I.ahahhaa ingatkan cubaan utk menipu xjadik..heheh.kesian kakak stewardess yg cantik lagi baik hati tuh sebab ditipu oleh kamu.hahahaha..semate2 nk duduk same dlm flight. Then, bile dh land, stewardess dh senyum2. n she said. "Newly wed eyh??Congratulations you both.."hahahahhaha... I tersenyum2 kembang idong dengar.hahahaha..Apelah..malu jer kalau dorg tau yg bnde ni sume hasil rancangan kami berdue tu semue kenangan, kenangan manis..Dah2 Awin. jgan ingat lagi..=)

Then, bile I dah smpai, I terus ke McD coz my sis duk kat ctu with her scandal. What??Die dh pndai okeyh sekarang...kakak die je dh baik skrg. Dah xde sape2 pun.Hahahhaha..Menyingle lah I lepas ni sorg2..kihkih2. But, die bawak member sorg. And since I can speak Malay Sarawak very well, erm jap yeker very well??hahaha. kami pun bersembang bagai nk rak. macam dah lame kenal..padahal baru seminit due. Hahhahaa...saje mengimbau kenangan2 lalu.kihkih..poyosss. Ok then malam tu smpai je blik Mira, I terus baring atas katil die, sambung hbiskan bace novel " MENCARI TAMAN DI HATI". Well, again novel ni bagi happy ending selepas mcam2 dugaan yg Syuhada ni face. Syuhada + Syahrul Riezman happily ever after.ahahha...Then, terus I feel sleepy but then I cant sleep, yelah tercarik2 mane big bear I, ahhaha..xsedar lagi nihy datang sini just bawak bantal busuk yg dah lembik dan nipis itu.hahaha...Selepas memandang ceiling lame2 sambil terkenangkan sesuatu teruslah bermimpi. Mimpi yg saye sudah lupe. Well, macam biase. ahahaha. Dan keesokannye, saye terus ke Pejabat Bendahari utk mngambil voucher buku dan pergi lunch bersame Goretti Edwin. Yeaahhh!!! pasni boleh beli novel bnyak2 dan teruskan berangan bnyak2 pasniyh. *winkwink*.

Tergempar!!!!Bile tibe2 our lecturers tuka tarikh presentations like OMG, that was TOO dangerous for all of us. Yelah, mesti ade punye yg belum siap lagi...Risau tetibe dengan si Adib neyh.But, its okeyh...buat jerlah yg terbaik..Nasib lah dat SOMEONE sudah xde pape dgan I dan beliau xjadi datang kalau x, xdapt den nak nolong. Huhuhu...Neway, wish me luck for my presentations day which is on next 6Mac and after that I akan bercuti jelah kt sini agaknye. Hahahhaha..Xsabar owkeyh!! Nak pergi pantai, karoeke, bersenang-lenang, bersuke-rie.hahaha. And yes Tomorrow, I akan follow mira ngan member2 check-in kt hotel.Riverside Majestic. okeyh..dekat sgt dgan bandar. Dapat kitorg berjalan2 di tgah malam nnti,.lol. yessss2...dan jugak dapat mandi pool beramai2 walaupon takut kolam kengkadang. Hhahaha..yelah,.dengan care niyh I akan dapat menggembirakan hati sendiri, yer x... Lagi2 lepas dah cite dgan member ttg ape yg jadi,kan2? Yelah..dah tnye nape that guy xjadi dtang sume padahl dh citer kt dorg pasal die. Xpelah, padan dgan muke I. Sape suruh overexcited sgt pasal die kan kan kan? blum shasha lagi tanye. Ya Allah, kuatkanlah aku utk explain kt die nnti ape yg jadi or mintak2 die xde tanye langsung. Xmo2...okey dah2..nk sambung buat report. Chaiyok2..(^^,=)


Wednesday 29 February 2012

Sorry, sorry and sorry....

  1. I'm sorry I let you down..
  2. I'm sorry I still not ready to ACCEPT ANYBODY in my life as for now.
  3. I'm sorry because maybe sometimes I always talk & talk to you bout my life.
  4. Thank you because tell me the truth & tidak memakse untuk menerime kamu...
  5. I've warned you before to not fall in LOVE with me.
  6. I'm sorry but maybe I can just be you friend. Not even more than that.
  7. I'm sorry because I don't know what to say. I'm confused, feel terrible and extremely shock.
  8. I'm sorry to say that I don't love anyoone as for now.
  9. Maybe I cepat mesre dgan kawan, but it doesn't mean that I will Love you as well. Its hard for me.
  10. Thank you for being my good good friend.
p/s: Terime kasih sebab mengaku. Terime kasih sebab dapat menerime penolakan saye. Terime kasih kerane tidak memakse dan mempersoalkan kenape saye begini. Saye tidak menyangke langsung kamu akan fall in love dgan saye. Sudahlah sudahlah sudahlah....saye tidak ingin bercinte LANGSUNG buat mase sekarang..Terime Kasih sekali lagi. (Mood tgah bercelaru, tetibe teringat kenangan dulu, bile akhirnye diri sendiri akan dipersalahkan. Kes macam ni jugak. And yeah, I better be awaayyyy from all this CRAP!!!)

Say Bye-Bye.......

Just come back from KLCC. Pergi jumpe supervisor,staff2 Petrosains sume untuk say goodbye and thank you. Mule2 pegi skybridge sume ttpi hampe, ramai volunteer yg ku kenali xbekerja harini..aduh kecewe. Selepas berpeluk - pelukan dgan Kak Zu, saye pon terus pergi ke Post Office di Concourse Level untuk mengepos barang. Seriously, first time dalam hidup ni I pos barang. Like seriously, FIRST TIME!!! hahaha..Walaupun blur + takut + ragu2, harus beranikan diri jugak sebab barang tersebut harus di pos SECEPATNYE!!! Then, terus ke Petrosains. Tetapi kali ini bukan ditemani Mr Nasafi, tetapi Mr Arif. Then, sesudah sampai I pun jalan2 dekat offices sekali terserempak si Amat Amekaw @ HR Executive di situ... Dah kene stop pulek mmandangkan die dh panggil, sebab belum mengisi feedback lagi.atoi2..malasnyerrr... Then, haruslah ke meje die dan mengisi borang evaluation. Sedang khusyuk memikirkan ape yg ditulis, die duk membebel kt tepi I. I yang sedang mengisi evaluation niyh pun naik pening dngan soalan yg diberikan..hahaha...susah2 ..Mcam2 soalan jugak yg diinterview oleh beliau dan I pun buat muke macam tgh take exam.Amik feel org katew..kihkihkih. Dan beliau pun berkate.." Ape plan lepas ni? Bile nnk sambung?"..ok fine. I jawab..."Tahun depan kot...saye pun xtau lagi." sambil tersipu2 dekat situ.hahaha..gewdik..Then die sambung lagi. "Eyh, awak dengan bf bile nk kawen ni?"..oppsss...terus I terkejut kat citu..terus buat bunyi "haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa???" yg agak pnjang di situ dan beliau pun  mentertawekan I.hahaha. Dan I pun decide malas nk bgtau yg I ni xde pakwe nnti kang kami berdue bergosip plak kt citu.ahaha..Staf2 lain pun dh pndang2 bile beliau asik mentertawekan saye..aduhduh. hihi. Dan selepas saye berjaye mengelakkan diri daripade disoal beliau ttg BOYFRIEND, LOVE OR SOWHATEVER yg berkaitan dengannye, beliau pun mule mengomel sendirian cakap saye seharusnye pergi travel bnyak2, utk hilangkan stress sume sebelum sambung belajo,haha..And lagi satu!!die tanye ade sangkut dgan mane2 volunteer x? Hahaha...saye hanye menggelengkan kepale dan tersenyum. Saye amat susah jatuh cinte wahai encik Amat.kikiki..I hanye bagitau yg kes haritu je, dapat candy love dari visitor Indonesia but then takut2 nk terime apetah lagi makan. Urrrghhhh...Takut2. Mane tau ade bad intention jew. Then, tanye psal staff2 sini dgan muke harapan dapat korek rahsie dari saye. hahaa.. Again, saye dapat menjawab soalan beliau dengan jayenye.ngehngeh. Well, kamu amat memahami wahai Mr Amat. Tapi apekan daye, cadangan kamu utk travel nnti akan dijalankan, Insyaallah tp nantilah, tgu jumpe someone dulu.hahahaha...(Harus ke ade someone utk travel??ahha..Awin mmg pelik!!). Skrg ni pun ade member ajak g Singapore, hell yeah..tapi tgu dh ade bnyak duit nnti okeyh!!heheh. Then, before balik Amat give me some small present. I don't know what it is actually but it looks cute and of courselah ade kaitan dgan Sains kan?hahaha.. And again, I got notebook from Petrosains. Hahahahha..Yes2. Well, sedang I bersembang dan bergurau lame kt citu dgan ,Mr Amat, kesian pulak Mr Arif sbb tgu saye agak lame di Kinokuniya, Terime kasih kerane menunggu dan terime kasih jugak sebab belanje saye novel..Hahahah...Menurutnye, die nk habiskan baucar, then suruh je I pilih buku mane2..I ape lagi..pergi lari kt corner novel, terus belek2 n I found this novel...With my name in it..As heroin okeyh!!Tajuk die adalah 'Mencari Taman di Hati'. Wah..taman ape agaknye?hahaha...Xboleh blah excited tgok name je pun...I read the synopsis, n agak hampe sbab jalan cerite die macam xbest sgt..hahaha..But I just take it. Orang nk belanje kan?ahahah. But I guess minggu depan baru leyh bace lah kot, yelah selagi I xpresent, selagi report x print, selagi tu rase resah gelisah berpanjangan.haha..Apelah..ok then, nk g mandi lah because nk packing barang lagi ape sume, Bilik dah bersepah dgan baju2..Oh myyyy...baju2 I bnyak yg xlawo dan sgt tidak up-to-date fesyennye. hahaha.....Harus pergi shopping neyh!!!. And satu lagi, xde gmbar dalam entry kali ni, sebab I dah xde camera. Sekian, Terime Kasih..=)

p/s: Kenape lately ramai orang nk tanye sape bf aku, bile aku nk kawen @ tunang neyh??
      Muke ni nmpak cam ade someone special kew or macam org IN LOVE ke??Xdekan xdekan.....??
      Muke orang tengah susah hati, sedih hati, kecewe, keliru sume adelah...apedaaaaa kamu semue...

I Miss You Like Crazy.....

Even though it's been so long
my love for you keeps going strong
i remember the things that we used to do
a kiss in the rain till the sun shines through
i tried to deny it, but im still in love with you

i miss you like crazy, i miss you like crazy
ever since you went away, every hour of everyday
i miss you like crazy, i miss you like crazy
no matter what i say or do
there's just no getting over you

i can see the love shinning in your eyes
and it comes in such a sweet surprise
if seeing is believing, it's worth the wait
so hold on and tell me it's not too late
we're so good together
we're starting forever now.

and i miss you like crazy, i miss you like crazy
ever since you went away, every hour of everyday
i miss you like crazy, i miss you baby
a love like ours will never end
just touch me and we're there again

just one night 

and we'll have the magic feeling like we used to do
hold on tight
and whatever comes our way we're gonna make it through

if seeing is believing, it's worth the wait
so hold on and tell me it's not too late
we're so good together
we're starting forever now.

and i miss you like crazy, i miss you like crazy
no matter what i say or do
there's just no getting over you

and i miss you, baby
i miss you baby
all the tender love you gave me
when a feeling gets this strong
i know the real thing will come along
and i miss you....

i miss you like crazy baby
only your sweet love can make me

p/s: I miss you, I miss You, I miss you. I always thinking of you. I don't know until when I will love you and hopes that I can fix everything with u. Everything!!And I'll be happy again. How I miss our moment together, the moment we get through sweet and sour in life, i miss how ur face when u tease me, miss the moment at our campus. How I wish we never be apart like this. And I'm sorry for letting you down and didn't admit my mistakes. Just want you to know, until now, I always LOVE you even not so strong as before but I always remember our moment together. Be healthy as always okeyh? I still remember your face in pain. I'm so afraid to lose you..I cry while seeing you at the clinic that day. Again, thank you for being so nice to me when we together.. I hope I will meet someone that will LOVE me as much as you can. How I really hope for that. Do take care of yourself.I'm just doing okay here. After everything that happen, I just be more stronger and mature than before. Yes, again. I love to see others happy other than myself. As u said...LOVE never compromise. Yes I do agree with you. Again. I miss you very bad.

p/s: Sorry bile I tetibe post pasal die. I don't know, suddenly yesterday I mimpikan die and that dream just woke me up and I cry. Why? Why? Why? He's no longer in my life right now but the memories keep running in my mind. How pain is that??? Tomorrow, I will fly to Sarawak, and yes I think that make my emotion getting worse. Memories here and there. Sumpah, terlalu banyak.  I don't know what to do.  I don't know what to do. Pleaseee...I want to forget everything even it is hard. I'm hurts enough. Please don't let me think bout him anymore. Pleaseee...Dear RRDA, I hope u always success and happy with your life now. No matter what, I always miss our moments together. =,))))

Tuesday 28 February 2012

My Sister "DOTTY"....=)

Swim together setelah dipakse....ahhahaha...

Meet my pretty sista....xoxo

Okeyh, lately entry I asik pasal I jer..niyh nk citer pasal my sis. NurShazwani Amira bt Mohd Ali. She's 19 n currently study at UITM Kota Samarahan taking Dilpoma in Accounting. So, lets see some info bout her.=)

# She's second in my siblings. Beze setahun jer dgan I and maybe that make we both close.
# I panggil die dotty je di mane gelaran tu diberi oleh family I.hahaha..
# Kalau nk diikutkan, die dari tegas dari I.. Yelah, I manje sedikit daripade die..hahaa
# Everytime I kenalkan couple I, die pasti akan rapat dgan couple I. Which is VERYGOOD!!
# Die xsuke kalau I nangis sebab laki, nnti die wat muke xnk dengar je kalo I ngadu..ahahahaha
# I'm not sure die ade bf ke x skrg..belum interview
# Kami mempunyai hobi yg same iaitu gile bergambo dan shopping.Tgulah aku keje nnti...kihkihkih...
# Same goes to me, seorang lelaki juge pernah melamar die before..xboleh blah..nasib due2 xgatai sgt. haha
# Die LEBIH LEBIH LEBIH LEBIH  berani, cantik dan peka dari I.
# First time I drive adalah bersame die yg bertindak sbg tutor I.
# Menurut die, I sangat bersifat tidak rasional dalam bercinte..Yeah riteee..haha
# Body die maintain je dari dulu, xmcam I.kejap gemok, kurus sume.hahaha...But I xsuke sgt..die keding!!!hahaha
# Die selalu membantah kalau I wat something stupid. Oh...for surelah!!haahha
# Unlike me, die mempunyai ramai kawan, di sane-sini. Mungkin disebabkan sifat peramah die.=)
# Mukenye nmpak garang dan serious, but actually I lagi garang. Xcaye tanye adik2 lain..hahaha
# I xde sangat nk simpan rahsie dari die. Sume bnde I dh gtaw die I guess.hahaha
# Kitorang dah lame xpakai baju sepasang. Last time pun I beli blouse. Which is patern petak2 and also singlet stripe.hahaha
# Die suke sound I kalau I kuat makan. Katenyer nnti bf lari. That tyme ade bf lah..hahaha
# Die juge suke tarik2 rambut saye kalau bergurau.kihkih...
# Ade pape yg die xpuas hati pasal member die mesti ngadu kt I...kdang2;lah...haha

Hurm..tinggal lagi sehari je nak balik Sarawak. Xsabar pun ade, rase sedih , takot pon ade. Bak kate orang, hati ni resah gelisah jugaklah. Just don't know why. Am confuse, afraid and sad too....On 8 Mac, ade presentation bout internship then after that I will have damnfree time at Sarawak.. Till 20 Mac  lak tuh..Gossshhh..lamenyer..ape jelah aktiviti I kt sane nnti..aduhhh...hahaha. Xperlah..I rase maybe as usual, I akan bermalas-malasan dalam bilik die, or kalau ade orang ajak kuar I kuarlah. Macam life I mase student dulu. Yelah, balik sini nnti I dah nk start keje or maybe xstay dgan family dah. Oh myyy,.and I will be damnbusy after kt area Shah Alam/Subang lak tuh...Xmo xmo xmo xmo...tapi xpe..ikut jelah...Yang penting saye dah bersedie!! Untuk terus berjaye dan bahagie..Dear UiTM...insyaallah tahun depan kite jumper lagi...=)

p/s: Dahlah...I nk tido lah..bnyak keje lagi belum buat. Belum packing my pun ade bnyak lagi nk edit..aduh2..letih rase badan niyh. Esok nk pergi KLCC lagi..jumpe member, nk pegi pos barang lagi..Ni dari tadi asng rame-rame yg masuk bilik I xkeluar2..duk main2 depan lappy neyh. Ade ke patut si Mimi ckap.Akak,,ade orang nk dtang minang tuu..hahaha..What the..Amik kau sekali kene sekeh.kihkhikih. Ok dah2.Bye alls..Goodnyte and Sweet Dreams..=)

I'm the type of girl who will burst out laughing  in dead silence at something
that happened yesterday..

Should OR NOT??

says: Should I do this???
        Should I do that??
        Oh, help me!!!! confuseeeee...tsk..tsk..tskk...=_________=

Monday 27 February 2012

Just Okay....=)

Just finished watching this movie. Totally lemsss bukan? cerite dh kuar lame kot. 2nd Feb I think. But Luckily, I dapat tgok this movies without pergi ke cinemas even mase mule2 kuar dulu rase cam nk tgok wayang je. Well, singleandlazymovingirl mmg xsuke g tgok wyang I guess. hehehe. Layan jelah sorang2 ngadap lappy dalam gelap, my sis sume dah bedengko tido. hahaha ..And so far...I think that this story was pretty good...Jalan cerite die, mcamane cinte dorang terhalang semuekan, ade sweet2 scene gitu and I ternmpak si Livonia which is ex-junior I turut berlakon as extra dlam this film.. Well, keep it up babe!!=) Cite ni blh dikategorikan kelas cinte agung jugaklah.Yelah, dah Paris jadi tempat lokasi kan?? Oh my...dapat x agaknye saye menjejakkan kaki di "Kota Cinta" tu bersama kekasih/soulmate/lovers ek?Eyh..bukan same ke sume?eissshh..I nk beranganlah tonite.hahaha. See you there Paris. Lol. Ok, stop blabbering.  Hurm...but I bet dalam real world xbnyak kisah cinte sebegini. Yelah..ape yg indah, ape yg romantik tu sume dalam drama.  In this real world, we face tooo muchhh problemsa. Too much okeyh!! .thats why I more into Pinoy movies...Totally love it!!Sebab everytime I tgok cite dorang of course meleleh air mate. Yelah, dululh time kt hostel layan sorg2 atas katil..bile roomate panggil cepat2 kesat air mate.hahah..ngadeww sgt ko kan awin?? Examples like citer One More Chance and I Love You So. Rase macam besttttt sgt2 cite die bcoz lebih realistic n masuk akal.kan2?? Plus tgok hero die..auuwwww...Ni nk tambah ni, I sangat suke tgok Neelofa. Her face, her body, her voice. Woaaahh..totally adore..Cantik sgt.Kak..share tips dpat body macam akak.bleyh??*winkwink*kikiki....okey then..nk tido dah...Rase penat sgt2 plus esok nk start continue finishing my report. This weekend I harus membusykan diri dan apabila sampai di Sarawak lebih bnyak story menanti..hahaha...And I think I already know aktiviti ape yg akan I buat bile dh smpai sane nnti. Ya Allah...janganlah aku terserempak dengan sape2 yg pernah hadir secare langsung atau tidak langsung dalam hidup aku sebelum ni. Amin...Because you know what. Lately, tibe2 orang yg xdisangke muncul dalam hidup ni. And I was like...*sighhhhhhh* Just stay awayyyyy lah!!//huhuhuu. Ok then...Goodnite alls..And have a Sweet Dreams..I nk pegi Paris jap dgan my prince.ahakkkkssss...

p/s: .Say I Love You or Mahal Kita to your Lovers before sleep,owkeyh??!! (Pesanan Penaje).. =)

Sunday 26 February 2012

Today Fave Quotes...(=^^,=)

Cinta bukan mengajar kita lemah tetapi mambangkitkan kekuatan. Cinta bukan mengajar kita
menghinakan diri tetapi menghembuskan kegagahan. Cinta bukan melemahkan semangat tetapi
membangkitkan semangat. ~Hamka~

Dalam setiap keindahan akan ada mata yang melihatnya. Dalam setiap kebenaran akan ada
telinga yang mendengarnya. Dalam setiap cinta akan ada hati yang menerimanya. ~ Ivan Panin~

Cinta itu tidak pernah meminta, ia sentiasa memberi, cinta membawa penderitaan, 
tetapi tidak pernah berdendam dan tidak pernah membalas dendam. 
Di mana ada cinta, di situ ada kehidupan, manakala
kebencian mebawa kepada kemusnahan. ~Mahatma Gandhi~

Waktu itu terlalu lambat bagi mereka yang menunggu, terlalu cepat bagi mereka yang takut,
terlalu lama bagi mereka yang sedih, terlalu cepat bagi mereka yang bergembira, tetapi bagi
mereka yang jatuh cinta, waktu itu abadi. ~Henry Van Dyke~

Nytesss Heart!!! =)

that won't dissapear..

A nightmare bedtime stories,.Past is past, but somehow, it will always haunt you and the memories will keep stay in mind. Some will have a really sweet love memories, some are not. How lucky if smeone have ppl who loves them for who they are, being honest in their relationships, being honest in loving someone. But seriously, am getting bad. Always blame myself for what had happen. Again, am fool and helpless. What can I say, I'm just a girl with small heart but with a big dreams. I'm whispering out of nowhere. Nothing to say, Time will Heals everything, rite??